Reviews for The Coven Initiates

This is the mystical tale of good and evil in the land called The Pix. Within The Pix are many realms in which kings and knights abound, and are governed independently. However when the forces of evil invade The Pix, these realms unite in an attempt to dispatch the intruders. Also in The Pix are the witches of wiccan magic, the sorceresses of black magic and the enchantress of faerie magic. Sharon of The Other World uses the Griffin's Gauntlet to defeat madman Bain the Dragon King and brings peace to The Pix. Justin of Kurault resurrects the Knights of the Citadel as the King of Kurault. But there is a lot more to this story, and the open ending will have you yearning for more from Wesley Lowe.
4 out of 5 Stars
Richard Lang
Richie's Pen Tips & Reviews
June 15, 2015
For all of you out there who love magic and faerie tales, this is the book for you. If you watched or read the book "Lord of the Rings," then you would love this book. It carries you the each character chapter by chapter, getting you more involved as you turn each page. Each character has a chapter dedicated specifically to them and the book goes in chronological order, so there are no weird flash backs or moments that leave you wondering when your actually going to find out what the meaning of a specific outburst was or what reason one character has for disliking another.
There are however some typographical errors and extra words, but those are easily overlooked once your really reading the book. You'll find that while reading the book, you might want to skip ahead to see what favorite characters are doing sometimes just because the characters are so well established that you get connected to a few characters in particular. I can tell you that I loved reading about Sharon, and Olden Jade, and Darklin Reed and Mephene. I found myself a little disappointed with Justin just because i expected better judgement on his part. I absolutely adored the traveling Bard and his songs which leand a great deal of mystery to this book.
For all you women who love books about empowered women, you should really read this one. It combines "Xena," with the magic of "Practical Magic" along with a "Lord of the Rings" feeling. Wesely Lowe is a great writer with an awesome imagination and I can't wait for the next book. Bottom line, "The Coven Initiates" leaves you wanting more.
5 out of 5 stars
W. De Leon "Webigail Duck"
September 17, 2005
What a delightful book for those who enjoy the world of fantasy! To quote from the book’s back cover; “The ancient witch Olden Jade and her young charge, Sharon of the Other World, establish the Blackwoods Coven with the intention to spend the rest of their days in solemn worship of the Goddess. . . but peace is shattered when a diabolical act of regicide occurs and a bloody coup follows. War is declared to avenge this treachery. . .”
Mr. Lowe does a great job of developing his characters and fitting them into the plot of the story. Sharon, the human initiate, had been mysteriously pulled into this world from her home in New Jersey and is making the best of her situation. The characters of fantasy throughout the book are well imagined and given distinct personalities for their function in the story.
The only negative aspect is this book comes to and end with so many loose ends left undone that it leaves the reader literally hanging, hopefully, until the next book comes off the press. Mr. Lowe probably should have brought the story more to a close while leaving a few small openings for the continuation. However, again, I would recommend this book to anyone with a flair for the fantasy!
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!
Jack P. Wise B.S., M.S.
Denise's Pieces
MidWest Book Review
June, 2004

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